Thank you so much for teaching us what it means to be adopted. I’m sorry I didn’t know, before I gave my daughter up to strangers, that my daughter would suffer enormous trauma from her surrender and adoption. (I believed that I deserved the pain adoption would cause me.) I’m sorry I believed that love would be enough for my daughter. Keep teaching us, Lisa.

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I wish I had known this 47 years ago. I am learning thanks to you and the adoptee community. Thank you for your wisdom.

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Thank you for including "I am sorry I assumed your birth mother was a crack whore" on your list. When I met my daughter in reunion I discovered that for 30 years she had believed that I had been a 13 year old heroin addict! I'm going to print out your list, share it, and learn from it.

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Why do you ask people to apologize for their ignorance? They’ve earned it by blithely accepting the world without engaging human curiosity. People only learn what they care about. If they don’t care, how honest is the apology?

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Thank you x

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